Magnetic Sheeting
We stock flexible magnetic sheeting in 12 mil and 30 mil thicknesses and 25′ and 50′ rolls. Standard widths are 24″, but we can convert to any width you require. We can also laminate any of our films to the magnetic sheeting providing you with a custom product.
The 12 mil magnetic sheeting is ideal for hobbies, promotional items, refrigerator magnets, advertising specialties, and more.
The 30 mil magnetic sheeting is the more traditional product. Because of the stronger magnetic bond, it is great for temporary vehicle signage and markings.

Typical Properties
Flexibility: Can be coiled to a 1″ radius without cracking at 68º F.
Hardness: Shore D60
Maximum Energy Product: .8 X 10 gauss oersteds
Specific Gravity: Specific Gravity is 3.7
Machinability: Cuts cleanly and easily in die, knife, scissor, or punch applications.
Lead-Free Product: Lead-free compounding is a standard feature of all StyleTech magnetic sheeting products.
Magnetization: State of the art multi-pole magnetization method renders 12 poles per inch standard.
Thickness: +/-.002″
Slit Width: +/.0625″/-0
Cut Length: +/.125″/-0
Splice-free rolls are available upon request.
All information based on tests believed to be reliable. These values do not constitute a guarantee and do not constitute a warranty.
The purchaser is to independently determine the suitability of this material for a specific purpose.